Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My vote counts? Yeah, right! Let’s Get a National Primary

Let me just start off by saying that I am a 20 year old college student and a Hillary Clinton supporter. I live in Pennsylvania. When I first thought about writing this blog, it was before the March 4th primaries. Since I am in college, and have to work to pay to continue my education that the candidates all have plans to make more affordable, this is the first chance I have had to write this blog. It is March 6th.

Before last week, I thought there may not have even been a meaningful Pennsylvania primary, since it is being held on April 22nd. Now, after the March 4th primaries, Pennsylvania is the state to win in order for either Democratic candidate to keep on moving toward the general election. I couldn’t be happier.

During this election, Michigan and Florida both moved their primaries forward in order to be first. Those states are now being penalized and disqualified. Their delegate’s votes will not count. Please, someone tell me how this is fair to all the people that went out and cast their votes, to all the people that thought their votes would count.

This country should hold a national primary. By holding a national primary, each citizen’s vote will count exactly the same. Each citizen will have the same candidates to vote for. The primary should be held the same week every year. The voters can prepare and the candidates can prepare. It is in no way fair that people in Florida and Michigan had the choice to vote for several candidates when I only have the choice of two.

Young people are constantly being told that every vote counts. But it really doesn’t. My vote counts now, but if Barack Obama racked up enough delegates to win the Democratic nomination before the Pennsylvania primary, my vote wouldn’t have meant anything. He would have gotten the Democratic nomination. He wouldn’t need my vote or anyone else’s.

So, to the next President of the United States of America: whenever you are done cleaning up the mess that President Bush left (if you ever get done), ask yourself: If the United States of America held a national primary, would I really be here? Chances are you wouldn’t.

Amanda Cawley '09
Wilkes University
Communication Studies


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