Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Such a Sucker for a Sweet Talker

Senator Barrack Obama recently made a campaign stop right here at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. As anyone who knows me will say, I am not shy about being a Hillary Clinton supporter through and through. But, my attendance at the recent speech given here at Wilkes by Obama had me nearly second guessing my choice to support Hillary.

On the same day Obama visited Wilkes University, Clinton made a stop at our very closely neighboring school, King's College. Of course, being the headstrong Hillary supporter I am, I was looking forward to attending her speech. However, the fact that Obama tickets were much easier to require, plus the fact that I had no ride to King's led me to my decision to go see Obama and see what he had to say.

As I sat among the boisterous Obama supporters, I couldn't help but find the little Obama chants they shouted to be a little bit catchy. As Obama came out, cheers filled the gym here at Wilkes. As Obama started talking, I was still not expecting to be thrilled.

Half way through the speech, I found myself nodding in agreement and clapping with each assertion Obama made. His voice was sure and powerful, and his demeanor was very relaxed and approachable. He seemed to quickly develop a rapport with all of us in the audience, making us feel as if he was speaking to us individually as well as a whole community. He smiled as people asked him questions and even took time to approach a young boy that was seated in the audience. I'll admit it. I was completely put under the Obama spell that so many friends of mine have fallen under. Was I actually starting to like Obama more than Hillary?

As I walked out of the gymnasium, I started thinking that this guy deserves some credit. Even though the answers he gave to all of the questions in the meeting were void of any detail and actual plan, I still liked the way they sounded. How is it that a candidate who repeatedly avoids going into detail about any of his policies manages to do so well? The combination of his powerful voice, his charismatic attitude, and his ability to, pardon my French, bullshit may actually win him the Democratic nomination. Amazing.

Katie Marzzacco '09
Wilkes University
Communication Studies

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