Saturday, March 29, 2008

What Does Obama Mean By “Change We Can Believe In”?

"To stand up for these Americans, I don’t want to settle for anything less than real change, fundamental change – change we need – change that we can believe in." This quote from Barack Obama shapes his entire campaign. The suggestion, of course, is that the other Democratic primary candidate talking change may not be up to the task, as Obama hinted himself, saying they are "targeting different messages to different audiences." There has been a lot of talk in Obama’s campaign about the politics of hope. This doesn’t mean hoping things come easy. This campaign of change and hope is illustrating that this candidate believes in what could be in this country, he believes in the unseen.

I believe that what this country needs is change for the greater good. I think that Obama has a strong and solid campaign for change but doesn’t always specify what exactly will be changed. So, what specific changes do college students want to see? Some issues I would like to see changed are the war and health care for people ages 22-25 and I’m not the only one who feels this way. A few college students my age have said that they are concerned with how they are going to get coverage for health insurance once they graduate. Laura, a 21 year old senior at Wilkes said; “I think that in order for Obama to make significant changes, he needs to look at what the younger voters want.” I agree, and I do think Obama is making the effort to listen to the young voters. Kyle, another 22 year old student at Wilkes said; “I haven’t really thought about voting until this election. The candidates seem more concerned with what young voters want to see changed and I like that.” I asked this student what he wanted to see changed and he responded with; “getting this war over with and dealing with the bigger problems like health care and national debt, especially since I will be graduating and paying student loans.” These are just a few changes young voters today are concerned with. I think that Obama has a strong belief in helping the younger generation achieve these changes.

Barack Obama believes America needs a president who has the courage to be candid and honest about the challenges we face, even when it’s politically unpopular. Barack Obama speaks of hope and change, saying both require vision and recognize the need for hard work. Obama has positioned himself as an inspiring messenger for a “Change We Can Believe In.” What I believe is that Obama wants to educate the American people about what it will take to make long-term change. Obama has said that change will be tough but doesn't go into why or discuss exactly what this “change” will be and how it will effect the young voters of today. We need for details and will not vote for change on blind faith alone.

Katie Cappelloni '08
Wilkes University
Communication Studies

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