Monday, March 10, 2008

I'm Young and I Vote

My decision to vote is not a result of MTV’s Rock the Vote, P Diddy’s Vote or Die Campaign, or the fact that the opportunity is present to vote for the first African American or female president…I am voting because I am of age and have peace of mind to do so. For too long I heard from older generations that “young people are not well informed enough to vote.” Youth in itself brings a sense of purity of mind along with an overall good natured outlook towards the world. For this reason, elders may argue that our “happy-go-lucky” mindsets will cause us to overlook serious issues addressed by the candidates which would result in the election of a bad president.

On the other hand, our mindsets give us a great advantage over any other demographic of voters because we have yet to fully develop our opinions on a broad spectrum of political subjects. This open way of thinking allows us to view candidates’ plans and policies with a high level of objectivity. Because our untainted political views, we therefore, are even better evaluators of potential presidents and their policies.

The young voters have a fresh set of issues to contemplate for the future of this country. Voters who have endured elections for the past thirty years or so already have their minds made up on what kind of policies they want to see run this country. It is the perfect time for the young people of this nation to step up and combat the issues which are plaguing us, by voting for the right candidate who will recognize our needs.

David Lewis '10
Wilkes University
Communication Studies/English

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