Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Save Scranton School for the Deaf!

The Scranton State School for the Deaf, the only state-owned school of its kind, may close at the end of this school year; what is the reason behind this? Just ask Governor Ed Rendell, for he has chosen to cut the school’s funding in his 2009-10 budget, which he on released Wednesday February 4th.

The SSSD is located on a ten acre campus in the Green Ridge section of Scranton, and has been a major landmark in the town for 127 years. SSSD provides a comprehensive program for children who are deaf and hard of hearing from birth through age 21. The school is set up so that all programs are provided without cost to families residing in Pennsylvania. Being one of kind in it’s area, the SSSD has been assisting 100 students a year with they’re hearing and speech deficiencies; therefore can be considered crucial to many members of the community.

It is only with the utter most annoyance that I can express how terrible I believe this act truly is. And now, to make matters worse, the Department of Education officials attempted to exclude Scranton teachers from a meeting at Unit 19 headquarters in Archbald P.A.?! What’s next, attempt to take away their freedom of equality as well?

Scranton residents, as well as parents and teachers of the SSSD students have already began petitioning throughout the Scranton/Green Ridge area with faith to save this monumental landmark. What SHOULD happen here is the people in “high authority” should take a step back and take a serious look at what they’re taking away from the SSSD. A school so crucial to the Lackawanna County deserves as much funding as it can receive.

Brittney Williams
Wilkes University 10'

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