Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hate flyers on Wilkes Campus

Ironically, after a Thursday morning Rhetorical Communication class, I was walking to the Sub parking lot to go to my truck. As I walked closer to the side entrance of the parking lot, I saw a shaved head man, wearing a flannel shirt, black jeans, black boots, a chain wallet, and he looked no older than 23 years old, hanging a flyer on a telephone pole. When he finished I walked over to the flyer, trying not to stereotype the man as a racist, I read the flyer. On the top of the flyer in big white letters read, “NYC & PHILLY.” I assumed it might be a flyer promoting a band or a party at one of Wilkes Barres hot spots; however, that turned out to be the complete opposite.

The flyer continued, “Coming to a neighborhood near you, drugs, crime, graffiti, gangs, and violence” were littered about the small white piece of paper. The small flyer talked about how “our” beautiful neighborhood is being destroyed by drugs, gangs and violence. That this trouble has reached the heart of ever “decent” community (decent was in quotations on the flyer as well). At the bottom in big bold letters the flyer reads, “What are you going to do about it?” Underneath that, the text continues to read, “It’s time to take responsibility for the great neighborhood we’ve created… it’s time to stop moving away and push back!” Finally at the very bottom of the flyer is reads in large capital letters, “IT’S TIME TO TAKE OUR NEIGHBORHOODS BACK!”

I decided to go on their website as well, because the flyer never stated, who the “our” was and “who” was ruining the neighborhood. The website describes the group as a, “militant White Nationalists.” The group also believes, “That integration was forced upon the unwilling American people at the direction of our own elected government, paving the way for the failed multicultural experiment we now live in. That multiculturalism is not a celebration of different cultures but an unnatural destructive experiment that eventually eliminates the unique characteristics of every group forced to take part in it. That racism is the direct result of multiculturalism and caused by an unnatural struggle between races with extremely different cultures that are forced to live within the same community/nation.”

It is easy to see, that this group is in fact a racist group, and more alarming it has found its way on to our college campus. I find it sad, that Wilkes University school a wide diverse group of students and those we must all have to deal with ridiculous flyers like the one that I discovered on campus. More ironically, I find it funny, that this group is hanging up flyers on Wilkes campus, claiming that other races are ruining our neighborhood, when these other races are in school, working on bettering themselves and their education so they can make the community better.

Anthony DiMarco
Wilkes University 10'

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