Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Has Miley Cyrus Become Miley CyRACIST?

If you had a nickel for every time you made a funny face or a rude gesture in a picture, how rich would you be? What if you had to pay every person you offended with that face or gesture $4000? How much in debt would you be? Well, to answer this, all we have to do is look at some music celebrity news!

On Feb 11th, one of Disney Channels top teen stars, 16 year old Miley Cyrus, had a lawsuit filed against her for an offensive gesture made in a picture. While sitting on her boyfriends lap with several friends standing around her, including an Asian-American boy, Miley though it would be funny to stretch her eyelids like many people would do to make a stereotypical gesture about an Asian person. Unfortunately for Miley, having an Asian-American in the picture could not be used as a “get out of jail free” card in this situation.

Lucie J. Kim of Los Angeles, California, and part of the OCA, an organization dedicated to advancing the social, political and economic well-being of Asian Pacific Americans in the U.S., has filed a class action lawsuit against Miley on behalf of all Asian Pacific Islanders living in Los Angeles County. On the accusation of a civil rights violation, she is requested to pay $4000 in damages to each potential plaintiff, making the lawsuit have a net worth of a whopping $4 billion.

In response to the lawsuit Miley made two attempts at apologizing. The first apology didn’t seem too sincere and possibly could have put her in even hotter water. Her first apology said, "I've also been told there are some people upset about some pictures taken of me with friends making goofy faces! Well, I'm sorry if those people looked at those pics and took them wrong and out of context!" Her second attempt was much more mature, but a little late. This apology said, “I want to thank all of my fans for their support not only this week, but always! I really wanted to stress how sorry I am if the photo of me with my friends offended anyone. I have learned a valuable lesson from this and know that sometime my actions can be unintentionally hurtful. I know everything is a part of GODs ultimate plan, and mistakes happen so that eventually I will become the woman he aspires me to be. Peace and love, Miles."

This lawsuit just goes to show, how anyone in the spotlight is a target waiting to be hit. It is one thing to teach a kid a lesson about a racist gesture, but it’s another thing to squeeze a ridiculous $4 billion out of it. If we all played the game like that, then I could probably file a lawsuit against Miley for being born with, what I think is, an offensive face and collect $4000 for every picture of her with her face in it.

There are millions of other things to worry about in our world today, and much more important problems to solve. Unfortunately racism, is one of these problems, but I think we could work on fixing this problem in much more efficient and cost effective ways then filing lawsuits against children for being children!

Amanda Touch
Wilkes University '10
Communication Studies


Danielle said...

I couldn't agree more! And just what is $4,000 going to do to the people who were offended? Money will make them feel alllllll better right?

Gussie said...

I completely agree! If their going to sue her for making racist gestures then why not sue every Jim, John , and Joe walking down the street who slants their eyes at a camera. I understand that she's in the limelight because on the whole Hannah Montana thing, and would be even if she didn't have a tv show,cd's, clothing lines, and a new movie cause look who her Dad is...but this is just supporting what people say about America being "Sue happy".