One of the many things that this country may forget about is the current war we are in. With the economy the way it is and how people are losing their jobs, everyone is making sure that their life is going to be secure and nothing bad will happen to them, which is understandable. Although, when our troops finally do come home how will they be treated? They should be able to receive the metical attention if need be. Emotional stages also take into account when they come home because we are unsure as to what they are thinking about and what might be bothering them. My dad is currently over in Afghanistan on his second tour in three years, now although he doesn’t tell me much about what went on over there, but he never really talked about any benefits he got when he came back to America. I hope they soon come up with a law that benefits all returning soldiers with the proper health care that they should receive for minimal or no cost at all. They are more than qualified to be able to get the benefits they need in order to come back to America. It wasn’t easy dealing with him being gone for two tours in the past three years, it was not only me that had to deal with him being gone, but our family and friends and especially my mom. Being gone for that long slows down the family emotionally and nothing can be done during that time while he or she is gone serving our country. I propose that some kind of treatment for the service men and women in the military for when they come back form Afghanistan and Iraq.
Chris Jordan
Wilkes University '10
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