Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Why Does Style Matter?

Why does style matter when you are electing a president? In the 2008 presidential election, Democratic hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are racing for the hot seat to lead this country through a time of “change.” But which one actually has what it takes to be the next president?

Both Obama and Clinton stand on similar platforms. Both support pulling out of the war in Iraq, both want better health care, both agree that change is needed for the U.S. But even if both said the same words, one may come off as a better candidate than the other. Why?
The answer is style. I am not referring to who looks better in blue, or who wore a better collared shirt to a debate, but rather the personal rhetorical style of a candidate based on their charisma, personality, and likeability.

Senator Barack Obama has been endorsed by members of former President John F. Kennedy’s family, including his daughter and his brother. J.F.K. was well-known and well-liked for his personality. Kennedy’s daughter Caroline even said that there was not another president that embodied that same charisma as her late father until Barack Obama. He has a general likeability, a down to earth personality, and a charismatic tone. Obama is seen as a change agent for the U.S., and it is probably safe to assume that everyone agrees that a change for this country is definitely what is needed.

Hillary Clinton has not been endorsed by such individuals because of her “style,” but rather her ability to be a good leader. The Kennedy family is not united on the endorsement front. Bobby Kennedy Jr., Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, and their sister Kerry all support Hillary Clinton. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend released a statement saying, “While I admire Senator Obama greatly, I have known Hillary for over 25 years and have seen first hand how she gets results.” Clinton has sometimes been seen as a closed person, a figurative stone wall. While Obama is earning his Kennedy endorsement for his charisma, Clinton is earning hers for her hard work and ability to get things done the right way.

Let’s all remember that it is only February, and I don’t want to be presumptuous and announce a winner just yet. Barack Obama has charisma and a great personality. He relates to people and is an inspiration to many. Hillary Clinton embodies leadership and the hard work and dedication that is needed to turn the United States of America right side up. Does their style really matter when it comes down to who will be elected? I guess we will just have to wait and see.

Amanda Cawley '09
Wilkes University
Communication Studies

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