Thursday, February 21, 2008

Edwards: Forgotten, but Not Gone

In a Presidential primary season that is overly rich with celebrity endorsements ranging from Oprah Winfrey to Chuck Norris, endorsements have begun to lack any meaning or influence on the campaigns. Even Ted Kennedy’s endorsement of Barack Obama, which was played up by the media for days, was not able to pull a win for Obama in the Massachusetts primary. However, I think there is at least one endorsement left to be given that might have a significant impact in pulling the Democratic Candidates out of the tie they have been stuck in for weeks.

John Edwards left the Presidential race on January 30, 2008 without making an endorsement of either Obama or Clinton. Throughout his campaign, Edwards had a substantial following, which even enabled him to beat out Clinton for a second place finish in Iowa. He received14% of the vote in Florida,18% in South Carolina,17% in New Hampshire, 4% in Nevada, and 30% in Iowa according to Although these percentages are relatively small, in the close race between Obama and Clinton if one candidate were to receive a significant amount of those votes, it would make a difference.

I think it is highly possible that if Edwards did make an endorsement, many of his supporters would follow his decision. The reason is that unlike actors and other political figures, Edwards was actually in the race and had a clear following who wanted to see him as the next President. As a result they have a logical reason to trust his opinion on which remaining candidate will be the best for the job. Also, there is the good chance that if whoever he endorses wins, Edwards will be at the top of the list of possible running mates for that candidate. For Edwards supporters, seeing their candidate as Vice President is better than nothing, so of course they will want to vote the way Edwards suggests they do.

This week it was reported that both Clinton and Obama had secret meetings with with Edwards at his home. This seems to indicate that an Edwards endorsement could come in the very near future. However, as each day goes by the significance of an Edwards endorsement fades. Soon enough the primaries will be over and all Edwards supporters will be committed to a different candidate. Only time will tell what Edwards chooses to do, but I think it is safe to say that he is the most likely choice for either Clinton or Obama as a Vice President. As for what the media has dubbed the “Dream Ticket,” with Clinton and Obama as running mates, it really is just a dream.

Christine Zavaskas '09
Wilkes University
Communcation Studies

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