On Friday March 15 2009, ABC news aired portions of an audio tape revealing intentions of Osama Bin Laden. The well known Al-Qaeda terrorist could be heard expressing his views on the conflict in Gaza and calling for the liberation of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq, three countries in which the American military have been heavily involved in over the past six years. President Barack Obama has recently taken forceful measures to move Bin Laden from hiding which is more than we can say for the previous presidents’ efforts for capturing the man responsible for the attacks on September 11, 2001. Although the former President Bush told America we have other reasons for invading the Middle East such as weapons of mass destruction and Sadaam Hussein’s regime for harboring terrorists, the main culprit of the 9/11 attacks was put on the back-burner of American military priority. For this lack of urgency towards those who cause my country pain and despair, I call conspiracy on behalf of the Bush administration for a few distinct reasons.
Osama Bin Laden has been on the run and in hiding from America for several years yet we are supposedly unable to locate him. We, an incredibly advance technological society who can monitor microscopic organisms on Mars are unable to keep tabs on one human being in flip flops with an AK-47. The preposterousness of this comparison opens the conspiracy which leads me to believe that Bin Laden has been allowed to survive for a reason.
As long as one can identify with a common enemy, there will always be a reason to fight. Perhaps Bin Laden has been left to run free so that American will have a common enemy, but this enemy demands that we occupy middle eastern countries in order to find him which means that America will have control over the middle east’s biggest economic resource for the world known as oil.
I also take issue with the immediate attention Bin Laden receives from American media. Every time this man records his voice, there is a possibility of death so I can understand why our news stations would want to keep ahead on issues like that; but it almost seems as if this man has complete control over our country’s operations.
I don’t have explanations for my observations, all I do know is that if there is a reason why this man was left alive purposely by the country which he attacked, I want to free passport to get me to Canada A.S.A.P!
David Lewis
Wilkes Universit 11'
17 March 2009