Monday, May 5, 2008

Thoughts of an Independent Voter

Hillary won the Pennsylvania Primary? How did that happen??
I was a little disappointed that Hillary was able to grasp the Pennsylvania delegates even though I am not in the Democratic Party. Although she only won ten percent higher than Obama of the popular votes, I believe Hillary will continue to run for presidency, since her campaign plans on gaining $10 million as a result of her win in Pennsylvania.

Unfortunately, it does not really matter that I dislike Hillary because for the 2008 Presidential Election, I would not endorse any of the candidates. I am a registered Independent and I feel that neither Obama, Clinton, nor McCain fits the qualifications I deem necessary for the President of the United States.

Since January 2008, I have been researching the current issues of our nation and each candidate’s position on the concerns. Each candidate has his and her own strengths in their campaign, but I cannot bring myself to choose between them. I feel that I am choosing between “the lesser of two/three evils”. When speaking to many people about the presidential race, it seems as though they feel the same way I do at this point in time, especially young voters.

I believe the reasons for my choice relates to my limited experience with voting and politics. This election is the first time I have the ability to vote and I never truly followed politics before in my life. Regrettably, I admit that I am apathetic to issues concerning the United States, like many of my college peers.

I believe my Controlling Spin class has made me more aware of the issues and I will be more in-tune with my country now and into the future years. Even though I dislike the presidential candidates this year, I hope to become more educated before the next election in order to fully participate as a voter and “endorse” a candidate.

Amy Fusco '10
Wilkes University
Communication Studies

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